Friday, September 16, 2011

Well, Hello, Pisiform!

Welcome back, Pisiform!  I have missed you, oh pokey bone of the outer wrist.

It's been about 7 years---since I got pregnant with Princess.  I hear you have been absolutely buried!  I've been pretty busy, too--what with shoveling carbs into my face.

I have, however, decided that our relationship has been put on the back burner for too long.  I plan to be there for you, and I hope you will become a constant visible presence in my life from now on. I promise to not take you for granted, assuming you will always be there for me despite my actions.

Could you do me a favor, though?  I need additional support, for when the going gets tough.  And by "going gets tough", you know that I mean "ice cream is on sale", right?

I thought so.  Thanks.  Mwah.

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