Friday, June 24, 2011

End of the School Year

It is the end of the school year for my two spawn; I am sad, I feel like I am losing a loved one. And, not just because I am potentially going to be stuck with two kiddos for some very hot, annoying, "Mom, I'm bored" weeks if I don't start thinking about camp, STAT. I mean, that IS part of it.
But not the whole thing.
My kids go to this wonderful hippie-dippy peace-loving freak Montessori school. And, being a weird place, I absolutely LOVE it. All the hippie parents, all the tie-dyes, all the talk about peace education and care for the environment. LOVE IT.
And, we were very fortunate to have a great teacher for 3 years for my son. First, in 4th grade, when she had been teaching 4th grade for 9 years. Then, she transitioned to a 5th-6th class when we did. She is so much like me it is scary, she is like a second mother to my son. She worked wonders with him, working around his idiosyncrasies, meeting with us TONS of times to discuss our concerns, making us feel like we are not the only people with strange offspring.
<p>She has been such an integral part of our family for so long, I don't know who will have a harder time adjusting to middle school-MB or me.
To top it off, Princess is leaving her wonderful teacher after two long years of growing up in an environment that is long on hugs, freedom and love, to the big bad world of 2nd grade. :::shudder:::
 (I know she will be fine, the teachers are great about matching up children with the best fit for them). But still!; My babies are leaving their wonderful, supportive, amazing nests. The grass is not greener on the other side-it smells funny, and looks weird from here. I don't like it. AT. ALL.

How do I cope? Retail therapy, of course. But, I digress.

In our community, there is this amazing restaurant that has a prix fixe menu, done by a fantastic chef. (I swear, this is all related) The night is part show, part fab cuisine, all kinds of expensive yummy wonderfulness. I got to go this past winter, and we (MBs teacher and I) had chatted about it. She had talked about wanting to go, but not being able to justify spending quite that much on ONE MEAL.
Well, the other day, thanks to another mom from Princess' class, I got the epiphany of asking other parents to chip in so we could make it happen. And, I got lots of support, and she got it!

Knowing that she will get one of the most amazing meals of her life due to her great teaching skills makes my heart smile.